Home coming plans have changed some. The Hymn Sing is ON!
Free Indeed Concert is ON!
Potluck is postponed 1 week. On Thursday I got a call from Pastor Jay saying he would not be able to join us as he had covid. That got me thinking about my own health. I thought my congestion was just seasonal allergies- I was wrong. I also have covid. The planning committee and the church board all sent about 2 million texts messages trying to discern what the best course of action was for this weekend. Hearing (or rather reading) all their concerns, I suggested the plan above we had enough agreement for a vote to pass. If there are any concerns, please contact me. If this makes things difficult, I'm truly sorry. I would prefer to not have covid, especially not this week. I trust that God will make something amazing happen out of all of this because we serve the God of resurrection. God Bless, Pastor Ryan