Tonight is Spaghetti dinner! I hope everyone remembered and shows up for a great time of fellowship. It is also our last week covering the gospel of Mark in the adult Bible study.
Kids and Teen Studies are from 6:30- 7:30 tonight.
Don't forget we have a new church application you can download here: https://clydeparknaz.churchcenter.com/home
Don't forget our Sundays series in Eastertide we will be exploring the Psalms where I expect we will encounter God. As I said at the beginning of 2024, being made into Christlikeness happens when we let God form us and send us out in mission. But those two only happen as a result of Encountering God- that is by becoming aware of God’s presence in our lives. This Sunday we’ll explore Psalm 22 and its incredible theology.
Women's Ministry
Then there will be a Mother's Day Brunch Saturday, May 4th at 11:00AM.
Dune Buggy!
In June we're doing our annual Dune buggy rides. After the ride we will head to Gary and Bonnie's lake house for a meal and hanging out. This is a great time of fellowship. If interested let us know here: https://form.jotform.com/241145846923056