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I wanted to remind the church that tomorrow is the 2nd Saturday of the month which means the teens will do a pancake breakfast from 9:00am-11:00am. This is always a relaxing time of fellowship. I also wanted to talk some about our Eastertide series. Two weeks ago we celebrated Easter, and yet Easter is not over- it is an entire season. This Eastertide we will be exploring the Psalms where I expect we will encounter God. As I said at the beginning of 2024, being made into Christlikeness happens when we let God form us and send us out in mission. But those two only happen as a result of Encountering God- that is by becoming aware of God’s presence in our lives. This Sunday we’ll explore Psalm 4 means to "sleep in peace."
Community Dinner This next Wednesday, April 17, we will attempt something new. I'm asking everyone to bring a salad to share: pasta salad, potato salad, green salad, Ceasar salad, bean salad, chicken salad, fruit salad, even Jello Salad? This should be a fun and maybe even healthy community dinner!
Women's Ministry
The Women's ministry will begin a Bible Study at Janis Metz house next Saturday, April 20 at AM.
Then there will be a Mother's Day Brunch Saturday, May 4th at 11:00AM.