Tonight's Community Dinner will happen in the cafe- AND we're eating a Pastor Ryan original red beans and rice- this is Pastor Ryan's take on a southern meal with beans, carrots, onions, celery peppers, sausage, in cajun seasoning. We'll have it with rice pilaf or white rice.
Sunday We're reflecting on Romans 6:1-11, please read in advance as it will help us all hear from the Lord.
June 25th - Naz Safe Training after church
We want to make sure that we keep our kids safe. Every two years we make sure that anyone who works with minors complete's our Naz Safe training. In order to prepare for VBS we're hosting a Naz Safe training after church on June 25 and July 9th
July 9th Naz Safe Training This training is for people who are unable to attend on June 25 n. If you attended then, you do not need to come back. July 16th and 17th- District Assembly July 16th will be the ordination Service at Indian Lake Nazarene Campground in Vicksburg, MI. On this night the District will recognize John Ashby as he receives his first District License.
July 27th- Whitecaps Game-
Several folks have asked about doing an all church Whitecaps game again. We used to go every year then- covid. They only have a few home games in July, let's try to make this one work. If you would like to join the church at the game, talk to pastor Ryan.
August 7-11 Vacation Bible Party! Mark it on the Calendars, we're inviting all the kids to come have a party with all it's Twists and turns. For more information, see here:
Sept 17th- HOMECOMING! Every year we host a church picnic, but this year is going to be different. We're going to celebrate the long history of Clyde Park. We hope to bring in a former pastor to preach, as well as anyone who has ever called Clyde Park their church home. If you would like to be on the planning committee for this event, please contact Pastor Ryan