Sept 15 is the National Back to Church Sunday. YOU SHOULD BE HERE! It would be great if everyone was here. Then stick around for the Annual Picnic! This is a great Sunday to invite friends to join us for worship. You won't want to miss it!
Men's Ministry We have had a few more people fill out the survey. If you haven't done so, please click the link and fill it out.
Saturday Morning at 9:00AM is the Pancake Breakfast! Why don't you join us for a time of food and fellowship!
Starting Sept 29 at 4pm we'll have an all ages kickball league. This is for anyone who wants to attend. Maybe you don't want to play, but just want an excuse to socialize. Join us on Sunday afternoons for a few hours of fun. We'll have games on Oct. 6, Oct 20, and Oct 27 (weather permitting)
Sept 14 Pancake Breakfast
Sept 14 Ladies Bible Study
Sept 15 Church Picnic
Sept 22 Meeting after Church for Children's workers
Sept. 22 - Free Indeed Concert
Sept 29 Kickball