This Sunday we are hoping to get everyone here! Invite your friends, invite your family for national Back to Church Sunday. After the service we are having our annual church picnic, so bring a dish to share!
Additionally, we are installing John Ashby as our Youth Pastor, so be here to support him!
Tonight we have our community dinner and the main course is Sloppy Joes!

Since you’re already coming to the dinner, why not stick around for our new midweek study: What about Prayer? We’ll be going through Skye Jethani’s book What if Jesus was Serious about Prayer? This study is intended to “take us deeper into what Jesus had to say about prayer and how it will change the way [we] relate to God forever.”

Each September our Mission's Focus is the Alabaster offering. This is a special offering used specifically for constructing buildings. Throughout the world Alabaster funds have been used to build schools, hospitals, and churches. We collect change in these boxes and then on September 26th, we will do an Alabaster March as we deposit our offerings in a jar. If you do not have an Alabaster Box, please see Emily Shelden. If you want to learn more about Alabaster Offerings, see here:
