Tonight's Community Dinner is Tacos! The wednesday before This Saturday we will have our Annual Christmas Dinner at 5pm! You will not want to miss this fun night where our church family celebrates Christmas! Also, if you plan on coming, this is an excellent night to serve others. Last I heard, we still need people to commit to bringing food. If you plan on being here and participating, let Janis know! Next Wednesday the Clyde Park Kids have their Christmas Party! December 17th will be a special Sunday!
At a previous baord meeting, Pastor Ryan asked the board, "What caused you to take Jesus seriously? Obviously, the Holy Spirit, but what did the Holy Spirit use?" Many mentioned the faithfulness of others. "I saw how those I loved lived... etc"
That then made me ask another question, "if that is what caused us to take Jesus seriously, how do we communicate that to others?" The board agreed we need to tell our stories. Then I suggested we use a few Sunday Mornings to hear each other's stories. I built a set of questions and Lori has genersouly agreed to be the first to go. On December 17th you will get to hear how God has been active in her life. She will be incorporating scripture, and while it might not be a sermon, I trust the Holy Spirit will move through it. This would be an excellent Sunday to invite friends and family to. Despite the news and any of the vibes of our current age, God is on the move. God is making all things new, and God is starting with us. You will not want to miss this story of transformation.
December 17th, the Youth Group has their Christmas Party.
Wednesday December 20th We are going Christmas Caroling. If you would like to have carolers visit or if you would like to participate. Let Pastor Ryan know!
December 21st is our next food pantry! If you want to assist contact Lori Schriver.
December 24th at 6pm we will host our annual Christmas Eve Service. This will be a night of carols and scripture as we celebrate Jesus' birth!