In C. S. Lewis's series- the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, the characters say "Aslan in on the prowl." In the stories, Aslan is supposed to symbolize God- well God is on the prowl. We're able to proclaim in word and deed the good news of the Kingdom many times every day. Sometimes we can be discouraged and miss it, but we shouldn't ever miss that God is a live and active. God is at work even if we cannot see it. August 8th- Cottage Prayer Meeting - We know not everyone can make VBS, so tonight there is Cottage Prayer Meeting begins at 7pm at 7905 Cottonwood DR August 7-11 Vacation Bible Party - August 7-11 Youth Week! So far we've had a great turn out for BOTH events. If you aren't here serving, please be in prayer for it!
August 9th- No Community Dinner!
August 16th -Spaghetti Dinner
The teens are hosting Spaghetti dinner on August 16th. Come share a meal and support the teen group! August 19th at 11:00 AM - Baby Shower for baby Franklin!
August 26th 9:00 AM- Pancake Breakfast Support the teens again by sharing breakfast at the church.
August 26th 2-5pm The Children are having a back to school bash. September 16th -Hymn Sing and Ice Cream 7:00 PM We'll be singing some of our favorite songs while eating the best dessert ever, ice cream! Perhaps we should call it the Scream and Sing- since you scream and I scream for ice cream!
September 17th- Homecoming! In the past we've hosted an annual picnic this year we're making it even bigger. Make sure to mark you calendars and invite your friends and family. We're inviting anyone who has been a part of Clyde Park to come home for one Sunday. We hope to pack the sanctuary, share a meal, and celebrate God's faithfulness. If there has ever been a Sunday to be here, this is the day!
September 17th- At 6:00 pm we're hosting a Free Indeed Concert.