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This Week's Update

Tonight the Teen Group is hosting their Spaghetti dinner! It goes from 5:30-6:30. Then we are MAKING A CHANGE!!! The Adult study will move from the gymnasium to room 101 (Bill's classroom). I hope that this room change will assist the study/prayer time. Additionally we will be changing from the Psalms to studying the Gospel of Mark. If you want to read chapter 1 in preparation for tonight, that would be appropriate. Don't forget about the Mother's Day Luncheon on May 13. Also be on the lookout for nomination letters coming your way soon. The biggest change coming down the pike is our summer project! As you may have heard we received an unexpected donation to be used for ministry. The board spent months in prayer about how to use it. At the April board meeting I presented a plan to remake the front entrance to the church. I'll talk at greater depth on May 7th, so you won't want to miss that Sunday. In short we are solving a drainage issue, fixing the cement sidewalk which floods and ices over. We are planting native Michigan pollinators to assist with drainage issues. Additionally, we are erecting a swing set for the children and a pergola fire pit for the teens. These will require quite a few work days and we hope to complete the projects before the end of summer. stay tuned for work days! Please be in prayer for Pastor John as he prepares for preaching this Sunday. Pastor Ryan will be teaching the children in children's church.

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