For Lent 2022 we will be joining dozens of other churches following The Way Through devotional. This was developed by the team at which is a Wesleyan Discipleship website to which I (Pastor Ryan) contributes. It helps that the founder of the website is my younger brother Danny. After seeing the material that he helped put together, I was proud enough to recommend it for us. I will be posting devotions for each week on Saturdays. But if you would like to simply to their website and download it, you are welcome to do so here. If you want to learn more about the devotional, see the intro from President and Co-Founder of Rev. Danny Quanstrom After Christ was baptized and before he started his public ministry he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. The way for him to start his ministry was not around the wilderness, the way for him to fulfill the Father’s purposes was not avoiding the hard places. For Jesus to bring peace and mercy and justice and hope and life he needed to go through the wilderness. The Way was through the wild. As it was for Jesus so is it for us! A few notes about The Way Through. First, this resource was a work of great collaboration. This year we got the whole A Plain Account development team together and what came out of those meetings is truly wonderful. I told the team after we nailed down the resource, “This is a devotional I’d actually want to use!” And we believe you will too. Second, this resource is more than just a devotional. It has the expected daily scripture and reflection, but that is the foundation of the resource, not the totality of it. There are 5 components:
Lectio Divina (Divine Reading): Daily Scripture Reflections based off the Daily Office
Audio Divina (Divine Hearing): Spotify and YouTube playlists of songs tailored for Lenten reflection and meditation.
Visio Divina: (Divine Seeing): Iconography and sacred art appropriate for each week.
Camino Divina (Divine Walking): A weekly practice or habit you will be encouraged to engage.
Examen: An end of the week opportunity to see where God has been as work.