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  • rmquanstrom

Living the Story

First things first, Don't forget about tomorrow's pancake breakfast starting at 9AM! New Sermon Series: Do you have a favorite movie? Maybe a favorite TV show, or even book. Why do you love it? What is compelling? Is there someone in the it with whom you identify? Have you ever watched/read it and thought, "I want to be like that person?" This Sunday we'll be talking about stories and how they influence us. This will be the first in our new sermon series, "Marks of Maturity." The Marks of Maturity series comes from my belief that "mature Christian" can seem vague. Yes we know that a mature Christian bears the fruit of the Spirit, is obedient to Jesus. But still clarity is kindness. This past year with input from the congregation, the board and I articulated 5 marks of a mature Christian. The first mark is "Living the Story of God." I look forward to talking about God's story and its impact on our lives.

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