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Happenings this week

Dear Church Family, We are resuming in person worship this Sunday! I wanted to remind everyone of the schedule as well as THE RULES... I know we aren't children and I hate to belabor a point, but here is what we are doing to protect each other.


1. Masks Required- paper or cloth - no plastic face shields.

2. Physically Distance - We know church is a huggy place. Sometimes it is harder to see people without actually touching, but we ask that we keep the 6 feet.

3. Please do not linger- We know connecting is a HUGE part of church. We ask that lengthier conversations be kept outside the building. In addition to protecting us, it also enables the sanitation crew to get the sanctuary ready for our renters.

4. At the moment the nursery is closed. We're sorry for this inconvenience. We are working on protocols for re-opening it.

5. As much as possible please keep 1 person at a time in the restroom. Also- wash your hands.

Service Times 9:00 AM Gymnasium- this service is intentionally more relaxed. We include tables to assist with keeping distance. The service uses hymns as well as contemporary music, and it leads into a discussion time. 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary- This service primarily uses the hymnal We will livestream the 11:00 service on facebook. Wednesday Nights Tomorrow we will finish Hosea on Zoom

Meeting ID: 850 0734 6649

Passcode: 021040

January 20 we start a new study. I would implore the whole church to join in. IT WILL BE GOOD! We're reading Life Together by Bonhoeffer. You want to be a part of this. You can buy a copy of the book here. If you need help getting a copy, please let me know. I look forward to worshipping with you! Pastor Ryan

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