Tonight's Community dinner- Hot Dogs
Please be in prayer for the youth group as they head to VBS.
Pentecost Party
Pentecost is on May 19th and is regarded as the birthday of the Church. Thousands of churches celebrate this day with a Birthday Cake, so we will too! We'll have a pinata, cake, games. Please bring a dish to share.
Church Elections will be on May 26th.
Dune Buggy! In June we're doing our annual Dune buggy rides. After the ride we will head to Gary and Bonnie's lake house for a meal and hanging out. This is a great time of fellowship. If interested let us know here:Â Next Week's Community Dinner- Tacos in 2 weeks we have Spaghetti dinner. Annual Meeting- Each year the church manual stipulates we must have an annual meeting reviewing the Business of the Church. We will have our annual meeting on June 9th.