This weekend we celebrate Pentecost- some call this the birthday of the church! We know that Jesus established the church when he called Peter the Rock, but the church did not truly begin it's mission of being the body of Christ until it was empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This Sunday will be a great day to worship, to celebrate the work God has done, and to invite the Spirit once again. I look forward to worshipping with everyone and seeing what the Holy Spirit might do this year. DUNE RIDES
Women's ministry is promoting an event that everyone in the church is invited to. Saturday, 6/11/22 Mac Wood Dune Rides. Cost for adults - $18.00, Children (ages 3-11) - $13.00, ages 2 & under free. We are leaving from the church at 8:00 am (to make our 9:30 reservation). We can stop for lunch after our ride. Please let Janis Metz know by June 8th if you can attend this fun event. Clyde Park Garden The Community Garden still has garden bed's available. If you would like to tend one, please fill out the form here. Annual Meeting In the past we have hosted our annual meeting on a Sunday Night. This year annual meeting will be on Sunday Morning, June 12. We will still worship, pray, etc. the sermon will be a bit shorter, and we will hear reports from the church board about the last year.
VBS Don't forget we still need workers for VBS. Please invite friends and family to join us for this fun filled week!