God is Good! We went from not having a whole lot on the church calendar, to having a lot to do. I wanted to give y'all an update about some important dates. Saturday, June 26th 12:00-1:00pm Meet the Family of Dale Roede
1:00pm Dale Roede Memorial Service - All are invited to Dale's
Memorial service.
Sunday, June 27th 3:00pm NazSafe Training- All who would like to be a part of the
children's department please come to ONE NazSafe training
(Also hosting one on Jul. 25th at 3pm). Please contact Chrissy
Kowalski with any questions. Sunday, July 4th 12:00pm Following the morning worship service will be a church potluck!
We will be grilling hot dogs, but you should still bring a dish to
pass. Come enjoy the food and join the fun! Saturday, July 10 5:30pm Game Night & Potluck- Join us for a fun night of playing games
and enjoying food together. We will start with the potluck and
follow with playing games. Bring your favorite game and bring
a friend to join the fun!! August 5-6th 6-8pm VBP!!! We are hosting a Vacation Bible Party on August 5&6th.
The theme is Party with Jesus. We will be sharing the good
news of new life in Christ with kids on these two nights. Then
on Saturday we will have a Carnival! August 7th 1-5pm VBP Carnival! We will need all hands on deck for this
awesome time of welcoming our neighbors and friends. We
will have 3 inflatable games, carnival games, cotton candy,
popcorn, snow cones and potentially a HUGE water slide! Be
prepared to help out with this awesome event. All volunteers
will need to complete the NazSafe trainings on June 27 or
July 25th.