The theme of 2021 is hospitality. This Sunday, July 4, we will FINALLY host our first post-covid potluck! The original plan was to host a cookout on the lawn with our new large tent! However, shipping delays have prevented that. Instead we will be having a potluck in the fellowship hall. Invite a friend, bring a dish to share, and lets have a great time as a church family celebrating together. Saturday, July 10 5:30pm Game Night & Potluck- Join us for a fun night of playing games
and enjoying food together. We will start with the potluck and
follow with playing games. Bring your favorite game and bring
a friend to join the fun!!
Sunday, July 25th 3:00pm NazSafe Training- If you were unable to attend the NazSafe
training on June 27th then we ask that you attend this training. In order to provide the safest program possible, we will need all workers to complete this training. Please contact Chrissy Kowalski with any questions.
August 3rd 5-7pm National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign
that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods, safer, more caring places to live. We partner with Grace Christian University, the Wyoming PD, and other churches to provide a night of fun. We'll have a police equipment and officers, games, food, and give
aways. This is a great way to connect with our community. We
will need volunteers to set up as well as people to be present
and mingle. Put this on your calendar for a great night! August 5-6th 6-8pm VBP!!! We are hosting a Vacation Bible Party on August 5&6th.
The theme is Party with Jesus. We will be sharing the good
news of new life in Christ with kids on these two nights. Then
on Saturday we will have a Carnival! Organizational Meeting happening SOON August 7th 1-5pm VBP Carnival! We will need all hands on deck for this
awesome time of welcoming our neighbors and friends. We
will have 3 inflatable games, carnival games, cotton candy,
popcorn, snow cones and potentially a HUGE water slide! Be
prepared to help out with this awesome event. All volunteers
will need to complete the NazSafe trainings on June 27 or
July 25th.